Is Your Smile Ready for Braces?

Orthodontic care can help to straighten a person’s teeth and give them a more beautiful and functional smile. These services can help a person to feel confident in their appearance so they no longer have to worry about crooked teeth. Through Jim Hutta Westerville, a person’s smile can be corrected in a variety of different ways. With today’s orthodontic options being much more effective and less cumbersome, it is easier than ever for people to correct their smiles.

In the past, there was only one main option for treating a person’s teeth. Cumbersome metal braces had to be attached to the teeth through metal brackets placed on each tooth. Today, there are many more options available. Orthodontic appliances can be made of metal, plastic or ceramic. In some cases, the appliance can be removed while some are attached.

When a patient comes in for orthodontic treatment, they will first need to have an assessment carried out. This assessment involves a full examination, patient health history, and imaging studies. This allows the orthodontist to plan the course of treatment so the right appliance can be used to move the teeth and jaw into a better position.


With the orthodontic services of jim hutta westerville oh, all types of jaw and teeth alignment issues can be corrected. If traditional braces are being put in place, the orthodontist will attach each bracket to the teeth so the wiring can be connected. With brackets now being available in porcelain and even clear plastic, they are not as obvious as metal options were in the past.

The treatment time a person will need will depend on the degree of alignment issues they have and their jaw growth. Children typically need longer periods of treatment because their jaw is still growing. The average length of orthodontic treatment is one to three years. During the consultation appointment, the orthodontist will inform the patient of what they can expect through treatment and how long the process will take.

If you are interested in orthodontic treatment and want to learn how it can improve the appearance and function of your smile, visit This site is full of information on the different types of orthodontic treatment available. Looking through the site can help a person to know if braces can help them achieve a better smile.

Call the office today and schedule a consultation appointment. This will allow you to get started on achieving a beautiful look for your smile in the shortest amount of time possible.